About Us
World market leader for metal and wood fretsaws
NIQUA® has been your manufacturer of precision jigsaw blades for the goldsmith and wood industry since 1897.
We supply importers, wholesalers as well as laboratories and manufacturers in the jewelry and wood art processing industry worldwide with our extensive branded range of high-quality tools and accessories.
As a traditional family business of the 5th generation, innovative strength and personal customer service are our top priority: over 120 years of know-how combined with our team of experienced and committed employees guarantee you the highest quality and real product innovations at all times.
When NIQUA was founded® In 1897, the focus of the fret saws offered “Made in Germany” was still on saws for the wood processing industry. Due to industrialization and the associated innovative developments in fret saw production, it was the NIQUA company® It was now possible to produce ever finer saw blades up to dimensions of 0.16mm x 0.32mm, which from then on found sales in the jewelry and goldsmith industries worldwide.
Today, the name NIQUA® is represented in 141 countries with top brands for jewelry and goldsmith supplies and has established itself at the top of the global market for jewelry tools. The former range of fretsaw blades ranges from jeweler's jigsaws to jeweler's cutters, grain irons, saw bows, files, pliers and engraving burrs to brushes, polishers and polishing pastes - and is constantly growing.
Sawmaking already had a long tradition in Beltheim when Johann Peter Nick ventured into self-employment in 1897. At that time they were at NIQUA® The wood jigsaws manufactured have already been exported to North America.
Through the continuous striving for perfection, NIQUA® Today it has developed into the world market leader in the field of fret saws for the goldsmith and woodworking industries. For many decades, thousands of customers in over 141 countries have trusted in the uniquely perfect quality of our fretsaws with their well-known brands.
NIQUA®: Fretsaw and tool factory since 1897.
When Johann Peter NIck committed himself to QUAlity.
In 1897, Johann Peter Nick founded NIQUA® GmbH. A word created from NICK and QUALITY. Then as now, in the 5th generation of the family business, the name says it all.
NIQUA® back then: Mastered the economic crises with consistent quality and good management.
First and second world wars, global economic crisis, financial crisis. In over a hundred years, NIQUA® has experienced a lot and has grown to meet the challenges. In 1991 we were able to beat our then competitor PULGER, BONFIGT & CO. take over and further expand our success in the production of fretsaws and tools for jewelers and goldsmiths.
NIQUA® today: world market leader for fretsaws for metal, supplier of high-quality goldsmith tools.
In addition to fretsaw blades for wood and metal, NIQUA® today offers a wide range of goldsmith's tools / jeweler's tools. The strictest quality controls guarantee our customers a consistently high quality standard for every single item in our wide product range.
NIQUA® tomorrow: Still the reliable partner for jewelers and goldsmiths.
Motivated by the entrepreneurial spirit of their ancestors, the 5th generation has also set itself the goal of further developing the traditional family business by expanding in-house production and the trading program. Always under the premise of meeting the highest demands of our customers.
Company building around 1934